Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have finished updating all of the photos that needed fixing in my concentration. I also added the spray paint picture with the rest of the pictures instead of a seperate post.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tried to get rid of the glare but I can't tell if it looks to fake or not. Need help!

Week 6

I fixed the finger paint photo, but might redo the top picture because of the glare. The top photo is for pastels. I plan on doing spray paint, colored pencils, markers, water color, and tie dye this weeked.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Going to fix this one up, supposed to represent finger paint.
I think this will be added as a final image, I really like the color and texture of the two images.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Also, possibly this one for crayons.
I have changed my theme again! This will be the last time I am hoping. I am going to use this photo for finger painting and plan on getting another photo to go with it that has paint all over someones fingers, this photo being the result.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 5

No photos. My next step is take more pictures of a theme, I think I am going to go with my flower image demonstrating decay and aging, or the paint picture showing change as well. Just dealing with more color in the images that I take.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 4 Concentration pictures so far.

The only problem now is that most of these photos don't connect and I am unsure of what I am going to stick with and finish. I want to work with color so I am definitaly going to get rid of a good portion of these photos.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Part of week four- I have changed my concentration and have decided to still do time and movment but with the progression of color. This isn't entirley finished, but its the best I've got so far.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I wasn't able to get any pictures this week, but I did try to work with photoshop to make the images that I will be working with to look older. I want to show the age in one image and compare it to the other image with more life and color in it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

This image was taken awhile ago and is of my sister. I want to create a collage of my grandma and sister since they have very similar characteristics and looks. I have been trying to research aging photography but nothing has really come up. My grandma also is a part of the red hats society and I may try to capture of the styles when you are also have aged as well. I not only want to take pictures of the body aging but the things that children, adults, and grandparents partake in, use, and value.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This first group of photos I was trying to capture the movment of blowing out a match, which didn't turn out good at all. I also decided that I don't even want to include this in my concentration it was just a idea to try. The lighting was to low and my camera had a hard time focusing and couldn't get the action of him blowing out the flame.